Somerset Academy of Texas Schools is currently enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year in all grade levels PK4-12. 

Somerset Academy of Texas Schools is currently enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year in all grade levels PK4-12. 

Somerset Academy of Texas Schools is currently enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year in all grade levels PK4-12. 

Deputy Superintendent Olivers Note to Students - September 27, 2023

Greetings Somerset Academy Scholars:  
We are finishing up September already and there is a great deal of work to do to prepare for EOY.  I just want to take the time to speak directly to you (though we will share this out with families on remind as well).  There are a few issues you should be aware of in an effort to keep working towards getting better each day.  
First, I want to remind all students that you should be receiving some form of homework weekly.  It is very hard to reach proficiency in mathematics, and reading, without spending time setting stronger.   Research says you need between 10-20 math problems every day to boost fluency, and comprehension.  Please understand that homework is where you will turn the difficult work into a long-term skill that you can use whenever you need it.  We are here to support, but like all things in life the way to get good is to push yourself and to practice.  20 minutes extra a day in reading and math adds up to 120 hours!!  And according to Malcom Gladwell and his book Blink you need 10,000 hours to become an expert in anything you do.  
Secondly, I sent out a remind to families early in the year.  I enjoy all of the fun events we do around campus.  I am very proud of how low the discipline rates have been this year, thus far.  Please review the back-to-school communication and understand I am serious about consequences when things do happen.  I would rather our scholars think of school as a second home where you do have to work a bit, but you also have a safe place to hang out with friends and attend all of the fun social events we offer.  I've never appreciated people that bully others, and in the same breath, that word has really become overused.  Bullying is worse now than prior to instituting anti-bullying policies in the late 1990s.  So that you hear it from me, it can escalate to an expellable offense, but again I would prefer we all take a moment while we are at school to allow others to be who they are and keep as much negativity out as humanly possible.  As you get older you realize that there are all types of people in this world, and you may not think the way they do.  When you begin attacking them for whatever "thing" you don't like or agree with there will come a day when someone attacks you for something you think or do.  Take a breath, take a moment, and seek advice when you are struggling with peer relationships, but please do not bully.  It isn't worth what happens to our school culture when this happens.  
Third, individual grades are no longer going to be elevated to 50's.  I know that I have had many parents reach out to me already, scholars, and they are wanting to ensure that you are doing your best when it comes to grades.  I am simply reminding you that this change will remain, so it is time build new habits and ensure you are not missing assignments.  Please also know that we offer free tutoring at all of our campuses and if you are struggling to find a tutor, email me immediately and I will address.  I know that each of you is capable of great things and your grades are a steppingstone to your future.  PLEASE get your work turned in, in a timely manner.  You have a couple of weeks before 9-week grades, but once they are in, that is the grade.  We will help, but you must do your part as well. 
Finally, I am very committed to growing each of our schools and campuses and each one of our campuses has a special place in my heart.  I see the excitement you bring form the fine arts, to Band, to athletics, to academics and ECHS.  I am so humbled to be able to work with each of you towards your life goals.  The trophy competitions have been amazing and every school really wants to win that trophy!!! And KEEP IT!!! For next week's competition I am challenging all 4 campuses.  See the prompt and rules below, and may the coolest school win!  
Prompt:  Go home and make a video about why your school is cool!! Focus on the things you love about your school: athletics, friendships, favorite teachers, programs that are offered, facilities, technology, etc. I want to activate your creative sides.  You can make a video with any of your friends, we are judging videos, not individuals.  The video should be the length of a YouTube short or a TIK TOK, so no more than 30 seconds.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA!   Please just do it on your camera phones and send to your English teacher 6-8, or core teachers K-5.  The best video from each campus will be hosted on the website for the remainder of the year.  A panel of judges will determine which school wins the trophy.  And guess what, your parents and family members can help as well, your teachers can be a part of it, even your school administration can be involved.  The only rules are no more than 30 seconds, school appropriate content, and it is due by the end of 1st period on October 5th!  Remember, the videos that captivate your audience, melt hearts, and make people laugh tend to score the highest.  I hope we get 100 different videos to watch!!! 
Cory Oliver
"I Love You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It"
Deputy Superintendent
Director of School Safety 
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